Matching Fundraiser 2024
We did it, but let’s keep going!
Every dollar received will go directly to an
East Harlem student’s music education!
Donate today to Opus 118 Harlem School of Music and watch your gift
triple in impact thanks to a group of generous donors!
Beginning on June 4th at 12pm EST
$10 grows to $40 = enough to cover financial aid for one private lesson!
$25 grows to $100 = enough for 5 hours of teacher training!
$100 grows to $400 = enough to purchase two new violin kits!
Please help us make the most of this opportunity: DONATE AND SPREAD THE WORD TODAY!
Thank you in advance for your support. Your help means the world to us.
Help us reach our goal!
To donate online now, please CLICK HERE or visit
To give by mail, please let us know of your pledge by CLICKING HERE and send your donation to:
Opus 118 Harlem School of Music
PO Box #286798
New York, NY 10128

Opus 118 is deeply grateful to our matching donors for making this event possible:
The Joe Lewis Jefferson Foundation
The Michael and Pamela Miles Gift Fund
Board of Trustees, Opus 118 Harlem School of Music
Special thanks to long-time donors:
Pamela Miles and Lucy and Mark Ptashne
And we thank the following donors for the success of this campaign:
Ruta and Mitchell Krawczyk
Ben Krawczyk
Alex Krawczyk
Brian Aspinwall
Rebecca Zahler
Cindi Hartz
Tyshaun Allen
OnaLi Gudelis
Kenneth Fleishman
Joan Ramos
Michael Bamberger
Eric Krawczyk
Martin Burgess
Michael Benchetrit
Ama Korankyi
Nshyira Korankyi
Stephen Brown
Martin Harach
Leonia Wade
Evin Steed
Seth Steed
Caroline Steed
Allison During
Jordan Ware
Alex Nonas-Barnes
La Chicana
Patricia Bernstein
Elizabeth Zaita
Loi Jean Kail
Rachael Campanella
Jun Maruta
Nancy Harris
Kathryn Rosenthal
Theresa Bennett
Justin McCormick
Joyce Lomauro-Barlow
Arlene Hajinlian
Kenneth Gans
Terry Perlim
Amy Schwarz
Elinore Kaplan
Barbara Carlsen
Lyneve Quiles
Aeron Ureta
Ellen McBride
Colleen Devlin and Richard Rosenthal
Lydia Kontos
Raymond Santiago
Molly Foresta
Karin Venegas
Howard Rose
Teresa Pietromonaco
Josephine Bearden
Hector Luyanda
Lisa Sanchez
Joan Walsh
Pamela King
Eva Yachnes
Carol Maillard
Clarke Bailey
Marisa Bushman
Caroline Debrovner
Ketura Brown
Joanna Delson
William Vosseler