From March 2015

Introducing Our New Site!


Opus 118 is pleased to unveil our new and improved website! We have worked hard to update the site to include information and news that is helpful and current. We encourage Opus 118 families and fans alike to take a look at the new website to learn more about who we are and what we do.

In addition to being easier on the eyes, the layout is more interactive and easier to navigate quickly. You will notice there are more streamlined menu options, icons to take you to our social media pages, and more convenient ways for you to get in touch with us.

There are a few things our current families should explore right now:

  • The News section: Opus 118 will be posting our latest information, including concert and recital information, our most recent newsletters, and highlights from the year.
  • The Calendar: Our calendar for academic year 2014-2015 is posted and updated for this year.
  • The Contact section: Our phone numbers, email addresses, and mailing address are posted conveniently in one place.
  • The Who We Are section: Get to know Opus 118’s faculty by reading their bios and see what exciting musical opportunities they have had.

We plan to continue expanding our social media outreach, so keep in touch! We hope you enjoy the new website!